This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

According to the Toronto Star analysis, the death rate due to COVID-19 was 7.3 per 100 beds in for-profit facilities compared to 3.8 in non-profit facilities and 1.5 in publicly owned facilities.

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"Our plan shows how a range of progressive tax measures can fund programs that will help Canadians and the economy recover" — Toby Sanger, economist and director of Canadians for Tax Fairness

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NUPGE says defeat of Bill C-213, the Canada Pharmacare Act, must not be the end for pharmacare. Federal legislation to enact universal public pharmacare is needed now! 

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The Canada Pharmacare Act, Bill C-213, represents a critical step forward towards full universal public pharmacare. The National  Union is urging all members of parliament to vote for this private members' bill.

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Migrant and undocumented people are at the forefront of the COVID-19 crisis, but at the same time, many migrants in Canada don’t have a health card or coverage.

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"And since this is clearly a ploy to open the door to all convenience stores selling alcohol, it will rob the province of alcohol revenues it needs to fund our vital public services while, at the same time, increasing alcohol harms and the demands on those already overburdened services." - Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU/SEFPO President

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To ensure Canada recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic with minimal loss of life, and without leaving people behind, the federal government has an enormous role to play.

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11 members of the Manitoba Wildfire Service have been recognized with the New South Wales Bushfire Emergency Citation for their efforts.

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“This is not like the first time around — we have the experience necessary to make this work very quickly. — Jerry Earle, NAPE President

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“I always love welcoming new members to our great union, but it’s just as nice to welcome back old friends." — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU/SEFPO President

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“A high-quality and accessible post-secondary education system will be crucial to meeting the challenges of today and to a more equitable, more sustainable future. We need our colleges and universities, more than ever, to train workers who design, build, and maintain green infrastructure, who perform care work, including child care and long-term care, and the numerous other skills that contribute to our society.” — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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“There was never a logical reason to include people experiencing homelessness in the curfew. People experiencing homelessness have no permanent shelter to stay in during the curfew, nor do they have the resources to pay the fines for breaking curfew. Had people experiencing homelessness been exempt from the curfew from the start, Raphaël André would still be with us today.” ― Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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“Plain and simple, this is an investment that will save lives. I’m grateful the members of my union kept urging government to provide these scanners, and I’m pleased to see the government take action.” — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President

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“We have seen during COVID-19 how these trade and investment agreements create unemployment and compromise access to necessary public goods and services like medical supplies and equipment. This report is intended to start looking closely at these issues. ” – Larry Brown, NUPGE President 

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“Ending privatization means that the millions of dollars that for-profit companies pay to their owners every year will be available to improve care in long-term care facilities” — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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