This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

"I have said this before, job losses could be avoided were the province to adopt an alternative “transitional funding” formula in place of the model put forward by the Liberal government that will directly impact the delivery of frontline services to children and families at Chatham Kent” said Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President.

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Toronto (11 Oct. 2013) - Ontario college faculty have been notified that the College Employer Council will not work together with them regarding proposed changes to the college system. The Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU) has drafted a plan to “differentiate” Ontario’s 24 colleges with massive changes including eliminating some programs and moving or creating others.

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LETTER TO THE EDITOR re: Alberta is moving in the right direction on pensions

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New collective agreement expires in 2015.

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This kind of recognition wouldn’t be possible without the dedicated workers who care for MDC residents every day." - MGEU President Michelle Gawronsky.

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Minister willing to listen to expertise of public service workers.

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New report shows that more and more Ontarians are working for minimum wage. 

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"We are all feeling it, while at the same time a BMO study just reported that a majority of wealthy Canadians are more financially secure and confident than they were before the 2008 recession. I bet on October 16, we'll hear a very different story from our audience."

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"People who already have plenty will be spending anything extra on what most people see as luxury goods,: said Clancy, "but more spending in luxury Carribean hotels or country club memberships does little for our economy."

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"Be creative, be outspoken, be daring. Your voice is powerful. Your stories are moving. People need to hear them because they will make a difference." - James Clancy, NUPGE National President.

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"The 340,000 NUPGE members across the country are with you in this struggle, and we will continue working with you to get this employer back to the table to get a fair and decent contract." - James Clancy, NUPGE National President.

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The latest ad takes it a step further, featuring actual HSABC/NUPGE members from some of the key professions.

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 Women 4 Change focuses on urging governments to invest in, not cut, services that improve women’s lives such as child care, elder care, health care and education. 

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"We are standing up against employers and governments who think it's okay to pay community social services workers such a low wage they have to choose between taking care of the most vulnerable and feeding their own family. " - James Clancy, NUPGE National President.

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BCGEU/NUPGE members and staff have been meeting with provincial representatives and WCB representatives over the conditions of B.C. jails. This review has come about because of that pressure. 

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