This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Please make sure to vote on this offer, so your voice is heard.

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“Our recommendations balance the social responsibility needed in the sale and distribution of liquor, the significant public revenue generated and the strong support for expanded services of the public liquor store system." - Darryl Walker, BCGEU President.

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NSGEU members at NSCAD vote on tentative agreement on October 3.

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Follow the new blog on the challenges of providing quality education from OPSEU/NUPGE.

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The National Union once again stands in support of the joint statement and is encouraging it members and all Canadians to show their support by attending a Vigil.

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Alberta government continues to understate the level of workplace injuries.

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Community social services workers in B.C. organize for upcoming bargaining.

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"Our All Together Now! campaign has been providing people a way to fight income inequality for over three years now. And now, with the Fairness Express, they can see how we are building this grassroots movement for fairness right in their own community." - James Clancy, NUPGE National President.

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"To our police and peace officers across the country and serving in countries abroad, we express our deep gratitude for your dedication to keeping our families safe and making our communities better places to live, work and raise our children."  Honourable Steven Blaney, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness.

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“A large majority of our staff and members roots are in rural Saskatchewan, and we are proud to support the SRCA in giving back to their communities,” said SGEU President Bob Bymoen.

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There are only a few days left to apply for a New Brunswick Union Scholarships!

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“It appears that two CRA workers did their job with diligence and commitment. It is time for their bosses to show leadership.” - Dennis Howlett, Canadians for Tax Fairness.

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The BCGEU/NUPGE submission calls for an investment in public services and provides ideas for new and increased sources of government revenue.

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“So many of our members have an abundance of knowledge and skills they would like to put to use after they retire. SEEN will help them to do that.” - Joan Jessome, NSGEU President.

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"Changes in the Colleges must be made in consultation with college faculty. They are the experts when it comes to delivering quality education for our College students." - Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President.

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