This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

In the case of conservation officers, the law enforcement role that they play means that they face some unique challenges.

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National Union releases a Voter's Guide factsheet on Environment and Climate Change. While each of the main political parties has something to say about action on climate change and environmental sustainability, their commitments vary in ambition.

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“Whether it’s income inequality, climate change, labour rights, health care, or housing, what happens in this federal election will have a huge impact on this country and our future.”  — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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"It is a result of the tireless work of the LPN reclassification committee and all the LPNs who acted as witnesses during the hearing." — Jason MacLean, NSGEU President

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“This situation is only going to get worse unless things change. We need to see a different strategy in dealing with these rival gangs, whether that is isolating them more, providing more high-security areas, providing more staff to prevent altercations, or changing their programming so these factions are kept apart at all times.” Bob Bymoen, President SGEU

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Premier Brian Pallister lays out his 100-Day Plan to media, which includes further job cuts and selling off public assets.

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“The bottom line is the Premier’s cannabis plan is awash in $42 million in red ink. This would not have happened if the Conservatives had stuck to the previous government’s plan to have the LCBO handle cannabis sales.” - Warren (Smokey) Thomas, President OPSEU

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“Like most front-line public service workers, the last thing our members want to do is go on strike or endure a lockout. What we want is simple: a fair deal that puts students ahead of irresponsible slashing of services." ― Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President

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“We stand in solidarity with the young people at the forefront of demanding meaningful action on climate change” — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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“Those who pay attention to history will know that Conservative governments have a track record of making seemingly innocuous changes that pave the way to privatization.” ― Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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“Correctional officers have some of the toughest jobs in the province, and our members are proud of their role. But no one should have to fear for their safety when they go to work.” ― Bob Bymoen, SGEU President.

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Led by Adrienne Smith, a transgender human rights activist and drug-policy lawyer, the day-long workshop will explore the union’s role in ending discrimination against transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming folx.

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Larry Brown urges equal treatment for wildland firefighters regarding the maximum annual pension accrual rate.

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Join Canada’s unions at Labour Day events, parades, and picnics across the country.

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We need to use our power to shape our country and our government so it acts for the common good of the many, not for the chosen few.

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