This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

With 2 out of 4 national political parties committed to universal child care, the outcome of the election could help reduce the overwhelming costs for families across the country. 

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Doug Ford has publicly declared that he has “no sympathy” for people who are not criminally responsible for violent crimes due to mental illness. Ford’s solution? Lock ‘em up and throw away the key because they should be “dealt with in jail.”

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When the rich and powerful use tax havens to avoid paying their share, the money going into their overseas bank accounts is effectively coming from public services that could be making life easier for people who are struggling.

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National Union releases a Voter’s Guide factsheet on Women’s Rights.

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A dodgy privatization scheme getting an award from the privatization industry is one more reminder that what’s good for the privatization industry and what’s good for the public are two very different things.

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“Correctional and Probation Officers have some of the toughest jobs in Canada, and our members are proud of the work they do. But they need more support from every level of government.” ― Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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National Union releases a Voter’s Guide factsheet on Indigenous Rights.

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National Union releases a Voter's Guide factsheet on pharmacare. With 3 of the 4 national political parties committed to pharmacare, the outcome of this election will be critical to the future of public health care in Canada.

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The secrecy and manipulation the report describes are all too typical of P3s and other privatization schemes. 

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“The violence experienced by Indigenous women, girls, and gender diverse people in Canada is a national tragedy. United, we will demand action on an issue that impacts us all!” — Native Women's Association of Canada (NWAC)

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“If a party isn’t willing to make the tax system fairer by making large corporations and the wealthy pay their share, people are right to ask about whether that party is serious about keeping promises to protect or enhance services.” — Larry Brown, NUPGE President.

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In the aftermath of a devastating fire in Thompson, Manitoba the members of the MGEU are working hard to provide support and comfort to those affected.

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“These women and men have made the ultimate sacrifice to protect the public. All Canadians must remember their names. Our members, who are peace officers, have a difficult and dangerous job, and this service reminds us of the risks and threats they face." NUPGE President Larry Brown

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National Union releases two Voters' Guide factsheets on Income Inequality and Labour Rights - key issues from our All Together Now campaign.

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In the face of the climate emergency, workers and their unions must take action to ensure a more just and sustainable future. As the young climate strikers have underscored, we have an obligation to act — not only for ourselves, but for generations to come.

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