This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

"Gig economy workers are highly vulnerable to exploitation and need representation. Receiving no pay if sick, no protection if injured, and no respect for workers' rights is not acceptable. Foodora workers have chosen to organize and registered to vote to join a union. The Ontario Labour Relations Board should respect the rights of these workers and allow the votes to be counted." — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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“Hosting the Leadership Development School is one of NUPGE’s greatest privileges. Each year, we bring engaged and passionate members together to learn from current leaders and experts, but also from each other. It’s an honour to say NUPGE is helping to strengthen solidarity and equip these members as they grow into leaders of the labour movement.” ― Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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"We have thousands of members employed in this sector, and most are struggling to serve their clients properly without adequate resources and training while earning bottom-of-the-barrel wages. For work this important, there need to be massive improvements. We want to talk about how we can effect this kind of change for everyone involved." — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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“Our members are telling us that many of the issues there are due to inadequate staffing levels and problems with recruitment and retention. We understand that rural and remote areas are difficult to service, but surely there are ways to help lessen this gap.” ― Jerry Earle, NAPE President

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The “alarming but not surprising” survey reveals physical violence, verbal abuse, and sexual harassment, poor staffing levels, and inadequate management support.

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"The Wettlaufer killings of 8 residents in Ontario long-term care have thrown light on the inadequate care being provided to elderly residents in these facilities. Our elderly and infirm people deserve better; profit should not be dictating staffing levels and quality of care.”— Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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Health care and community social service workers are often on the front lines of high stress, traumatic events and violence.

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Canadian Blood Services has taken a step forward by committing to 3 new plasma collection centres. Unfortunately, Health Canada is still supporting the expansion of paid plasma collection in Canada by a private company. The next step is federal legislation banning paid plasma. — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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“Any strategy for youth that doesn't engage youth in the planning process will fail. It's critical that they're involved from step one.” ― Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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NUPGE is urging all Canadians to write, call, and email federal leaders and ask them to commit both to the debate and including a National Action Plan on violence against women in their platforms.

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Ottawa (09 Aug. 2019) ―  A recent Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) blog post explains why P3 privatization schemes are still being approved.

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“Whether it’s at the bargaining table, in the workplace, or on the doorsteps of the Conservative MPPs trying to slash our services, we’ll always stand shoulder-to-shoulder with our newest members at Legal Aid Ontario.” — Eduardo (Eddy) Almeida, OPSEU First Vice-President/Treasurer

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Congratulations to members of the B.C. public service on their recent negotiations.

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Out of the 795 rental markets analyzed, full-time minimum-wage workers can only afford to live in 24 neighbourhoods.

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A report by Canadians for Tax Fairness Bay Street and Tax Havens revealed how over 90% of Canada’s largest corporations have subsidiaries in tax havens.

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