This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

“It’s very troubling to see these gaps in our health care systems across the country continue and not be addressed. These are not new problems, and patients are being placed at risk, both in emergency and long-term care.” ― Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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"All of us need to continue to work to hold the federal government accountable and to ensure that they work for the good of the many, not for the chosen few.” ― Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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"Syria is in turmoil. Turkey's invasion of Syria is taking us further from a peaceful resolution to the conflict. Canada should be taking stronger action to demand Turkey withdraw and to firmly assert that we are on the side of peace, democracy, and respect for international law." — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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“By continuing to meddle with this long-standing practice, the McNeil government threatens to throw the already-overwhelmed legal system into chaos.” — Jason MacLean, NSGEU President

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All candidates have made promises to help Canadians have more money and to combat poverty in Canada. The National Union has researched past legislation and voting records to let Canadians decide who will really help them get ahead.

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National Union releases Voters' Guide factsheet on LGBTQI2S rights.

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A fact sheet on the track record and campaign promises of our four main federal parties regarding anti-poverty measures.

Download PDF: PDF icon Public Policy - Anti-poverty Measures - FACT SHEET.pdf

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Most of the political parties have a drastically different approach to post-secondary education. In this election, Canadians will be able to choose which promise is worth supporting for the future of the country.

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National Union releases Voter's Guide factsheet on electoral reform.

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People with disabilities face many barriers in society. What are federal political parties proposing to enhance the full and equal participation of persons with disabilities in our society?

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National Union releases a Voter’s Guide factsheet on Immigrant and Refugee Rights.

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As NUPGE members who work to provide services for seniors can tell you, funding has not kept pace with need.

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Hate Crimes are steadily rising in Canada. What are federal political parties proposing to address this troubling trend?

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40% of renters in Canada are paying rents that aren’t affordable.

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"The National Union stands with MGEU and our members as they fight for a fair deal." — Larry Brown, NUPGE President.

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