This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Gordon Campbell's Liberal government has cut rates to 'grossly inadequate' levels, CCPA says

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'I will restore successor rights for Ontario government employees.' - Dalton McGuinty, April 2004

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April 28 is National Day of Mourning for workers killed and injured on the job

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Labour groups playing key role in blocking private corporate takeover of key public services demanded by World Bank and IMF

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Passengers cast roses on the water in remembrance of B.C. Ferries tragedy

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New book by Rutgers University professor examines the impact of private prisons throughout the United States

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Carol Furlong calls for action by the province to address workload problems

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Arbitration award makes 'significant' improvement on government's last offer

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'Workers with unstable hours felt more stress and reported worse health than those with more stable work hours.'

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'We need your help to send a message to the government and the administration. - Leah Casselman

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'We have achieved significant improvements.' - George Heyman

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Community task forces conclude that Harper Conservatives are out of sync with broadly held Canadian views

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Small six-inmate facility within maximum security Millhaven Penitentiary already the subject of human rights protests

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(16 March 2006) -- 'Perhaps the Harper government is afraid that good old fashioned Canadian common sense will once again show itself right about Afghanistan as it was about Iraq.'

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Roy J. Adams' new book examines Canada's abject failure to live up to international committments at the UN and ILO

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