This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

An international coalition of labour groups calls for human rights, economic justice and science-based targets at the December 2008 UN meetings in Poznan.

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In his widely criticized fiscal update on November 27, federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty proposed that federally regulated pension plans will have twice as much time—10 years instead of five—required for solvency payments.

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'The Harper government made it clear in the fall economic update that they are going to legislate away fundamental human rights, such as the right to collective bargaining and the right to equal pay for work of equal value.'

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Economic downturn may persuade older workers to delay full retirement

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The Australian experience should teach the Harper government a lesson

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By voting day this past election the KYOTOplus campaign had obtained commitments from over half of all Liberal/NDP/Bloc/Green candidates – 493 in all. The lead-up to Poznan, is a second opportunity for politicians to commit to action. 

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Acknowledging the vital role that community social service workers play

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'The findings of this study confirm what we've been saying all along.' - Darryl Walker

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Reducing the need for higher intensity and for more costly services

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Community social services workers will receive a new bonus early next year thanks to the efforts of the Community Social Services Bargaining Association of Unions (CSSBA), led by the BCGEU.

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Government to create province-wide DC plan

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In less than a year four RNs were injured through violent attacks by a patient. The call comes following the last incident at CAMH in which a registered nurse was grabbed and dragged into a washroom by a patient who sexually assaulted her.

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The value of Canadian pension plans suffered the largest quarterly decline in a decade as the credit crisis caused equity markets around the world to drop.

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Canadian environment groups call on new parliament to cooperate and deliver. Once again Canada has a minority parliament, but it’s clear that the majority of Canadians voted for parties committed to taking stronger action on climate change.

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(Oct 9, 2008) -- 'The Harper platform is a vapid document, full of slogans but lacking a substantive plan to tackle the current economic and social challenges.'

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