This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Robert Wright explores link between literacy and crime, health and injury.

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Working with health and social development departments to come up with a plan in case centres are forced to close.

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NUPGE has already asked the Public Health Agency of Canada to issue 'fit-tested NIOSH approved N95 respirators' to all health care workers exposed to the H1N1 flu virus.

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'Far too often we take for granted the heroic manner in which they risk their lives to save others and protect our lands and homes and businesses.' - James Clancy.

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(31 Aug. 2009) - 'I ask you to reflect on the victims of this powerful recession and to speak out for the changes that our government must make if we are to build a better world for ourselves and our families.'

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'The typical worker had lost $51 the previous week through wage violations from average weekly earnings of $339 - a 15% loss in pay.'

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'There are, to put it mildly, serious questions and doubts about its research methodology.' - NUPGE's Larry Brown.

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Child poverty seems to win political points but Canadian governments are ignoring the very real and private struggle of women on their own.

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'The B.C. Liberal government has no credible plan to address the startling increase in poverty and the ever-expanding services deficit in this province.' - Darryl Walker.

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'Replacing the provincial liquor board system with a privatized system of retail alcohol sales will increase alcohol-related problems and carry substantial human, social and economic costs.'

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Copyright protections are 'not designed to insulate corporations from public criticism.' - CCLA general counsel Natalie Des Rosiers.

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PHAC should follow the 'precautionary principle' for everyone who comes in direct contact with the pandemic influenza virus and make a 'fit-tested NIOSH approved N95 respirator' available to each employee.

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'It is the GOLICO bargaining committee’s hope that the employer will come to the table and negotiate a collective agreement rather than force the members into taking action.' - MGEU.

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Survey of British Columbia residents commissioned by BCFL in advance of provincial budget.

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Canada's approach to vaccinating people against swine flu is too slow to protect the most vulnerable, an editorial in Monday's Canadian Medical Association Journal says.

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