This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

$1.4 million being spent by B.C. Hydro, ICBC and the Lottery Corporation.

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Thursday, Oct. 1, 7:30 p.m., at the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 96, 180 Park St. in Brockville.

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Old Age Security pension, paid to people 65 years of age and over, will remain unchanged at $516.96 per month

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Environment Minister Jim Prentice represents Canada while Harper skips out to pay a courtesy call on New York Mayor Bloomberg

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Transfer of patients to 'community-based spaces' a privatization scheme, critics say.

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Study estimates that 45,000 die each year. The number of Americans without health insurance rose to 46.3 million last year - 15.4% of the entire U.S. population.

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The dream of 'freedom 55' will recede to a new reality of 'freedom 70' for many Canadians if the Conservatives get their way, says NUPGE president James Clancy.

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Experts from across the country will join representatives of Canada's justice workers to assess the growing crisis posed by mental health problems in correctional facilities.

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'It's not worth the paper it's written on. - Elisabeth Ballermann.

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'We support your position that the best fix to the current situation lies in expanding the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and agree with your hesitations about the effectiveness of proposals for new provincial or inter-provincial pension plans.' - Larry Brown.

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Dismal 15th ranking out of 17 developed countries. Only Japan and the United States were worse. The top-ranked countries are Denmark, Norway, Sweden and the Netherlands.

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'Like the Famous Five, we must continue to lobby, campaign and educate others to ensure that Canadian women obtain equity in this country.'

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The B.C. Liberal government has accepted federal apprenticeship dollars while burying the news that they've cut funds for the agency which oversees apprenticeships.

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Undercover journalist reveals the extent of deception some private colleges practice.

Toronto (Sept 18, 2009) - While students enrolled at public colleges in personal support worker programs will spend a year learning to empty catheters, insert suppositories and manoeuvre mechanical lifts, in a matter of weeks at a private career college in North York a student will learn how to fake a resume, fabricate professional references and lie their way through a job interview.

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“Considering how wealthy this country is, these rates of poverty are unacceptable. Not only are we not making progress; we are losing ground.”

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