This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Improvements in wages, rest breaks, vacation and personal days.

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Sets precedent likely to undermine pension plans across the country.

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Landmark site was a hub of activity during the Winnipeg General Strike of 1919 and it has long been of great historic significance to the Canadian labour movement.

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'These highway depots need to be reopened. This shouldn't be just about winning.' - Carol Furlong.

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'The union welcomes the achievement of a tentative agreement without having to go through binding arbitration.' - Joan Jessome.

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Warren (Smokey) Thomas and Region 6 executive members join workers on picket line.

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'There are over 40,000 outstanding warrants waiting to be served in B.C. .' - BCGEU's Dean Purdy.

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'Most people know well the story of the Oland family.... Not quite as well known, but just as proud, is the story of the generations of workers.'

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Pension plans must permit the union to appoint a person in accordance with the union’s constitution instead of providing for a person to be elected by the active members. 

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Mandate to provide ongoing advice to the government pension reform proposals and keep the government informed on stakeholder viewpoints.

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“This ‘pension factor’ is particularly powerful for improving the economic security of vulnerable older households - women and members of racial/ethic minority groups,”

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'The new members have joined because they have seen the positive employer-union relationships the BCGEU maintains.' - Darryl Walker.

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Richest 1% now hog 12.2% of all income while average wages have remained flat for 30 years.

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More than 100 OPSEU members, family and supporters played live Soca, Reggae and Calypso music from the OPSEU float along the parade route

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Fat-cat pensions in the public sector are a myth, says the TUC.

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