This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

'Because the study is so obviously inadequate and misleading, we challenge the CFIB to withdraw it and apologize to public sector workers in Canada for misrepresenting their situation.' - Larry Brown, NUPGE's national secretary-treasurer.

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'To matter, Canada has to actually punch above its weight, not just say it does. The U.S. can just show up and be listened to. So can China. Canada has to do much more.'

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Presentation by Warren (Smokey) Thomas to Ontario's standing committee on justice policy.

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BCGEU says the province should say no to liquor lobbyists, take back the $160 million it is now spending to subsidize private liquor operators and expand the province's network of publicly-run retail stores.

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"The contractual retirement age and associated post-employment benefits are cornerstones of our collective agreement, which has supported Air Canada pilots' careers for decades."

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'This a great victory for the workers at Floralia who have exercised their Charter rights to join a union and bargain collectively.' - Wayne Hanley.

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'We cannot continually turn a blind eye to all this.' - David Moher of the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute.

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'The OECD recently reported that Canada has the second highest rate of jobless people living in poverty in the OECD.  But the Harper government's proposed EI reforms will only benefit the "deserving" few.' - Larry Brown.

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Thousands join peace and police officers in annual ceremonies remembering those who have died in the line of duty.

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One in five cannot pay for basic needs like glasses and dental care or participate meaningfully in community recreational activities.

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'Government needs to step forward with a comprehensive plan to ensure that quality care and education for our young children is here now and in the future.' - Shelley Ward.

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Offered to children of NUPGE's 340,000 members who are starting a post-secondary education.

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'Any way you slice it, cutting autism support by $3 million is not good for kids.' - Reid Johnson.

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Bargaining, pension plans and retiree health care will be the dominant issues. - Susie Proulx-Daigle.

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'Our members have waited 17 months to see a reasonable monetary offer from SAHO and ... they’re still waiting.' - SGEU negotiator Bonnie Erickson.

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