This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Larry Brown, NUPGE's national secretary-treasurer, says the Harper government is misleading Canadians on pensions issues. Instead of responding effectively to the crisis, the government is stalling and even moving backward, he argues.

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Indian activist, imprisoned since 1977, will not be eligble for parole again until 2024.

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'Mismanagement at the Victoria Youth Custody Centre has created a poisonous work environment.'

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'We cannot allow this government to throw away quality jobs, and quality public services.' - Warren (Smokey) Thomas.

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Average settlements of $16,000 now being made by Saskatchewan government.

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'Congratulations to the bargaining committee who worked very hard over a long set of talks to achieve this agreement.'

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International body urges trade unions worldwide to stage activities marking the occasion.

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Campbell government puts talks with Ottawa on hold until after Sept. 1 provincial budget.

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First woman to sit on executive council of B.C. Federation of Labour and become president of the B.C. NDP.

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“Hundreds of workers are joining the union determined to stand up to this unacceptable attack on their pensions.”

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BCGEU members participate in BC Pride events, in Vancouver, Victoria, Campbell River, Prince George, Eastside and Surrey

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'If GOLICO members vote in favour of a strike mandate, this will give their committee the authority to call for strike action if necessary.' - MGEU.

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'We are now in the second year of this initiative within youth justice.'

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'Absolutely no change in the employer's position.'

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The theme of the Convention was Generations United, Organizing for Change

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