This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

'The fact that scab labour is being used to carry out the work of persons with disabilities and their job coaches is almost unfathomable.' - Carol Furlong.

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More than 540 animal and plant species are at risk in Canada.

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Government revenues can only be restored by creating good paying jobs that allow workers to pay taxes to the province, says OPSEU president Warren (Smokey) Thomas.

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Toronto Globe and Mail columnist Lawrence Martin takes a sobering look at the crude political manner in which democratic institutions and practices are being subverted in Canada by Stephen Harper.

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Walkout will put pressure on the Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre.

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Covering employees called into service for the winter games next month in Vancouver.

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This short video explores the "devil in the details" when it comes to the tool of cap-and-trade to combat climate change.

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BCGEU urges members across the province to ratify the proposed settlement.

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Faculty members at Ontario's 24 community colleges taking strike vote on Jan. 13.

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'Is this really the answer?' - Shelley Ward, president of the P.E.I. Union of Public Sector Employees.

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Canada's finance ministers are doing Canadians a grave disservice by pretending that no real crisis exists within our failing pension system.

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Stephen Lewis 'Grandmothers to Grandmothers' Campaign and UNICEF Canada's 'Spread the Net' Campaign.

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Only 45% are happy, the lowest level recorded by the Conference Board since 1987.

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'Michelle was a staunch supporter of HSAA and its members.' - Scott Pattison.

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"The employer's frequent assertion that they want to establish a new relationship with unions has been exposed as hollow," says James Cavalluzzo, chair of the BCGEU bargaining committee.

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