This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Incident involving impaired driver who fled accident scene illustrates dangers faced daily by public employees on Canada's highways.

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'There is a clear goal of eliminating independent trade unions in Mexico.... Let’s stand in support of all independent Mexican unions.'

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Employees with Tri-County Regional School Board to hold ratification vote on Dec. 8.

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Proposed settlement contains significant wage increases and other gains for Vancouver Island employees.

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“Climate change remains an overriding priority for all our futures; we cannot afford to let pessimism prevail”, said Sharan Burrow, the General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC).

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'Time is running short to convince the federal government that it must move to reform the CPP.'

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Episode underscores HSAA position in demanding action now to deal with provincial ER crisis.

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'The fossil fuel economy is transforming rapidly into a ‘bio-economy'. - Jim Thomas of ETC Group.

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Letter blasts Harper government for killing Bill C-300, a law that would have held Canadian mining companies accountable for human rights and environmental abuses abroad.

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"Alberta is acting as a spoiler and standing in the way of real reform"

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The impact on public employees will stretch far beyond the two-year freeze proposed by the province – all for the benefit of already-wealthy corporations.

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'Needless to say, this had been a difficult bargaining climate.'

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Wage increases, better shift premiums, special projects, market adjustment and scheduling improvements.

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Province refuses to respond to international condemnation for denying part-time college workers the right to organize.

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