This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

28 specialized workers given layoff notice at Whitby’s Ontario Shores.

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'With the McGuinty government freezing the wages of non-union employees, the only hope that hard-working women and men in this province have to try and keep pace with inflation is to join a union.' - Warren (Smokey) Thomas.

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Key goal is to address recruitment and retention issues and how best to address these challenges.

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'We hope that the federal government acts on this report. In particular, we hope it implements the recommendations to help provincial correctional facilities and psychiatric hospitals.' - James Clancy.

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PSI appeals to governments around the world to mark the occasion by making a commitment to ratify UN Conventions aimed at strengthening the rights of migrant workers.

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'If the civil service is faced with a two-year wage freeze, the committee is determined to achieve significant gains in the overall contract.'

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'There is a crisis in the child protection system and the underlying problem is that there are not enough front-line workers.' - SGEU president Bob Bymoen.

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Saskatchewan's justice minister has introduced legislation to eliminate the Saskatchewan Human Rights Tribunal and transfer its power to a provincial court, sparking human rights concerns among labour groups and other interested parties.

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'The inability of an accused to challenge and question the evidence held against them is an affront to the fundamental principles of justice.' - NUPGE president James Clancy.

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Union donating $10,000 in memory of John O'Mahony to assist in construction of an Alberta monument to workers killed and injured on the job.

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'You’ve demonstrated considerable strength by showing how a small group of community housing workers can successfully defend their right to decent jobs and benefits.' - Warren (Smokey) Thomas.

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'I'm pleased Minister Sheridan believes that its time to increase benefits under the CPP.' - Shelley Ward.

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Agreement on 'Just Transition' hailed as a breakthrough worth celebrating for the moment.

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'The 15 employees have made history not only because of the length of the strike but also because of their display of courage in their struggle against injustice.' - Carol Furlong, NAPE president.

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'The report is in many cases complimentary of our members and the good work they do.' - Joan Jessome.

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