This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

'This plan needs to go farther and set more ambitious targets with clear and transparent measures for accountability and oversight.' - Darryl Walker.

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Union says province's fresh water supply may be threatened by natural gas 'fracking' agreement with Toronto energy drilling companies.

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Women experienced disproportionately more gains in unionized jobs.

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'A message that government negotiators need to discuss members’ concerns, particularly about the issue of overcrowding.'

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Bill, C-389, adds gender identity and gender expression to the list of prohibited grounds of discrimination in the Canadian Human Rights Act

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Bill 120, Securing Pension Benefits Now and for the Future Act, 2010 was passed at second reading in the Ontario legislature

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Nov. 6 will mark the third annual Appreciation Day for community-based social service workers across Canada.

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'We're a 130,000 member union and we are also working together with other unions to make sure our message is heard.'

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'As Canada has become a 24-hour society, the number of Canadians working non-regular hours has increased dramatically.'

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Theme for 2010 is Get up! Stand-up! For Your Rights.

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'It’s an effective program with a proven track record in lowering harmful emissions across the Lower Mainland.'

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Liberals to call for a voluntary supplemental pension plan

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Situation so bad in Alberta that some patients are dialing 9-1-1 while they wait in emergency for treatment.

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'It is every woman’s fundamental right to live in safety and security in her home and community.'

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Recent cabinet shuffle will impact about 2,400 public employees

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