This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

“Providing services to the vulnerable members of our community are clearly not a priority for this agency. If these top three managers received substantial wage increases, it makes you wonder what the other managers got.”

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During April, the Not Myself Today campaign intends to mobilize all Canadians in a movement to transform the way we think about, act towards and support mental health.

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NSGEU/NUPGE health care workers employed by the Capital District Health Authority could be on strike April 25.

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"It’s hard to believe that in the wake of this economic growth the Ghiz government is cutting hundreds of jobs that will hurt families and business across PEI.” - Shelley Ward, PEIUPSE President.

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“The Westray story is a complex mosaic of actions, omissions, mistakes, incompetence, apathy, cynicism, stupidity and neglect,” said Mr. Justice Peter Richard in his report on the explosion and fire at the coal mine in Pictou County, Nova Scotia, that killed 26 miners on May 9, 1992.

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“Paramedics have been extremely vocal in the recent past about issues that impact on safety and patient care and clearly the results of this survey underline we have reason for concern,” said MGEU President Lois Wales

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“This is going to be devastating. Taking libraries out of schools is like taking food out of the cafeteria,” says NSGEU President Joan Jessome.

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“Public service workers have been reasonable in this province over the past two years. They have done their fair share for the economy of Nova Scotia.”

photo of nsgeu president Joan Jessome in a reporter's scrumHalifax (05 April 2012) - “The public sector has done its fair share,” said Joan Jessome, President of the Nova Scotia Government & General Employees Union (NSGEU/NUPGE).

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ILO asks the Ontario government “to lift any obstacle in law and practice” which continues to hinder part-time college workers from exercising their right to join a union and bargain collectively.

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While most non-monetary proposals have been tabled, monetary issues have yet to be discussed.

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NSGEU/NUPGE health care workers show support for bargaining demands at information picket on April 4.

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The ILO “has been expressing concern for many years on the exclusion of wide categories of workers from statutory protection of freedom of association and on the restrictions on the right to strike in several provinces.”

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NAPE/NUPGE becomes union of choice for more home care workers.

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“This ILO report is very troubling… It damages the human rights reputation of Canada and many of our provinces."

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“The Hogg report is very detailed and offers a much more reasonable plan for creating a sustainable and independent NSCAD than is contained within the Windsor report, which is the report the government chose to make public.”

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