This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Modern day Robin Hoods disrupt traffic in financial district chanting "Tax Wall Street and End AIDS". 

New York (27 April 2012) - A number of activists with AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP) and Occupy Wall Street, dressed in Robin Hood costumes, were arrested in New York following a protest in the financial district.

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"The effect of this decision by Health Canada is yet another strong sign that the federal government is pulling away from its responsibility to gender equality" - Chi Nguyen of CWHN.
Ottawa (26 April 2012) – Yet another group of organizations dedicated to research and communication in Canadian wome
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The myriad assaults on the nation being implemented by Harper are really just the latest chapter in what has been a revolution of lowered expectations: a deliberate and systematic culture war on ordinary Canadians' deeply held values about the role of government.

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Trade Justice Network publishes fact sheets debunking Harper government's myths about the benefits of EU-Canada free trade.

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Conciliation talks are scheduled for May for NSGEU members employed by VON.

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"The MGEU will make sure that what they’ve said this past Tuesday will continue to hold true over the next few years.” - Lois Wales, MGEU President.

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"It is unacceptable that these dedicated workers are vilified in the Legislature for protecting themselves from harm at work.” - Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President

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Harper government trying to undermine sustainable development at UNCTAD conference in Doha today, say Canadian civil society organizations.

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The work of union members is showcased in new commercials aired in New Brunwsick.

Fredericton (25 April 2012) - The New Brunswick Union of Public and Private Employees (NBUPPE/NUPGE) has launched a television campaign to highlight the work its members are doing around the province.

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Lack of progress at the bargaining table has committee negotiaing essential service levels.

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Nobody really knows the cost of cutting oversight agencies but without the proper information we run the risk of making serious problems even worse and, in the long term, that will cost all of us.

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“After a long period of negotiations, the employer is still unwilling to offer any improvements in any areas of the contract,” says Debra Critchley, BCGEU staff representative.

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Overwhelming strike vote by NSGEU members at Northwood Bedford West to support bargaining.

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"These specialists are often unrecognized by the public as an essential part of the health care team because most of their work is carried out behind the scenes," said Furlong.

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"The public sector offers good paying jobs, effective social programs, and public policy that not only generates wealth in the province but ensures that wealth is fairly distributed.” - PEIUPSE President Shelley Ward.

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