This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

PEI government issues lay-off notices to 200 seasonal highway maintenance workers.

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Create a video about quality education and win a $1,000 prize!

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"We presented the government with concrete proposals that would produce hundreds of millions of dollars in new annual revenues and savings,” says Walker. “Government negotiators showed no interest in these proposals."

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"We want the people of Newfoundland and Labrador to be aware that LPNs are a highly qualified and vital part of the nursing team and our health care system,” said Furlong.

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AGO CEO received a 293 per cent increase in three years while workers must fight to negotiate a fair collective agreement.

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Tentative agreement reached for NSGEU members at the Cape Breton Regional Police Services.

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The list of strikes against the environment is significant in this budget.

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First contract reached for MGEU/NUPGE WRHA interpreters.

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The federal budget will increase income inequality, decrease the quality of life for Canadians and slow economic recovery. 

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During the LRB hearings, UFCW Canada argued that Mexico and its consulate in Vancouver colluded with the operators of a B.C. agriculture operation to bust the union at Sidhu & Sons Nursery where the workers voted to unionize.

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"We need an investment in our justice system combined with strategic reforms if we are to fix the damage that has been done over the last decade.” - Darryl Walker, BCGEU President.

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The New Brunswick Union of Public and Private Employees (NBUPPE/NUPGE) response to the 2012-2013 Budget. 

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“After a long and difficult round of negotiations an agreement has been reached our members can be proud of." - Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President.

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"If this Budget passes, it will hurt people, slow our economy, and sharply increase income inequality in this province."

Toronto (28 March 2012) - The provincial budget tabled by Finance Minister Dwight Duncan is a shameful disaster that fails Ontario on multiple fronts, the President of the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU/NUPGE) says.

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“Music therapy is one of the therapies that is the first to go when health authorities look for cost savings,” said HSABC President Reid Johnson. “It’s seen as a ‘frill service,’ but the value of the therapy proves otherwise.”

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