This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

"When governments give away revenue to their corporate friends, there is less money dedicated to the public services the majority of Canadians need." - James Clancy, NUPGE President.

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 “At their minimum, strong, equitable and accountable social programs are society’s strongest security against crime and exploitation of others,” states Dr. Carolyn Campbell, Canadian Association for Social Work Education (CASWE) President.

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Community Living and General Services deal includes pay increase, labour market adjustment.

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Bargaining committee recommends acceptance of new agreement.

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Take Action: Show the BC Government that Community Social Services matter to you!

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"The problem of growing inequality can be resolved in two main ways. The first is by transferring wealth from profits to wages and public services. The second is through tax fairness." – Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President.

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The bargaining committee is recommending acceptance of the new contract.

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In the weeks ahead OPSEU/NUPGE will assess Wynne’s government to see if the new Premier will commit to preserving quality public services in Ontario and ensuring that services are delivered by professional public sector workers.

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"Like the government's essential services legislation that has been declared unconstitutional by the courts, this most recent overhaul of workplace laws goes too far," says SGEU President Bob Bymoen.

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"The ink is barely dry on the new Master Agreement, and just this past week the government tables legislation that, buried amongst some assorted housekeeping amendments, gives them the ability to remove FPH from direct government," Darryl Walker,BCGEU President.

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Bargaining committee recommends acceptance of the new contract.

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Pension and bargaining are topics for meeting with NBU President.

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Members continue negotiating toward a decent settlement.

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Moving stories about the reality of being a developmental services worker and what these contract talks are about.

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By voting in favour of Bill C-400, MPs can send a clear message: Canada's housing crisis is worth a discussion and working together to end homelessness is the right thing to do.

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