This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

OPSEU/NUPGE members priorities for bargaining are improved wages and benefits, better job security and more gains in health and safety standards.

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"We work on behalf of our members to promote and protect their rights in the workplace but our social justice work ensures that all boats rise together - union and non-union, here in Canada and around the world."

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Hugh Segal, Conservative Senator and former advisor to Premier Bill Davis and Prime Minister Mulroney, has spoken out in defence of trade union rights and against Bill C-377.

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“These hard-working people are already earning a very modest wage but who find themselves bullied by a hostile employer. It’s a measure of their anger that they’ve elected to withdraw their services.” - Kathleen Demareski, OPSEU Negotiator.

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Latest strike action involved 3,900 members – employer calls for a return to the bargaining table.

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Members to vote on employer's final offer on February 20.

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Win is an indication that Canadians are joining a growing global Internet freedom movement.

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U.S. campaigners for Robin Hood Tax are calling on Jack Lew, the next Treasury Secretary, to implement a tax on Wall Street. 

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It's about shoring up one of the basic human rights supporting a fair and prosperous Canada. But ultimately, it's about saving lives.

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Latest strike action involved 3,900 members – employer calls for a return to the bargaining table.

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“Helping our communities doesn’t stop with our members. Every day, thousands of people are in need of blood, we can all play our part.” said NB Union President, Susie Proulx-Daigle.

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The provincial government continues to take credit for tax cuts that have failed to deliver the economic gains that were promised. The government also refuses to accept responsibility for the budget cuts and corresponding service cuts.

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