This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Alternative Federal Budget plan tackles Canadians' real concerns.

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“Given alcohol’s status as the leading risk factor for ill-health, injury and disability in North America” much more needs to be done, according to the researchers.

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The tentative agreement was reached early on March 3, following a marathon 13-day bargaining session.

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"Social attitudes about early childhood education and educators have been tied to outdated and gendered notions about women's work for decades. This devalues the profession--reflected in low wages and recruitment and retention problems."

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As a longstanding defender of migrant workers' rights, UFCW Canada expressed a variety of concerns relating to the TFWP in its submission to the Ministers.

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"Unless decision-makers take action, Canadians will continue to face poor service and punitive high prices, and will continue to fall behind the rest of the industrialized world.” - Steve Anderson, executive director.

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"While most Canadians faithfully pay their taxes, this government wants to downplay the fact that hundreds of billions of dollars are going offshore to tax havens – virtually untracked and untaxed. That increases the tax burden for the rest of us.”

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"A recent poll shows that the vast majority of Albertans reject cuts to public services and agree that there should be an increase on taxes for the wealthy and corporations."- Elisabeth Ballermann, HSAA President.

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“The B.C. Liberal government’s failure to consult with the affected unions is undemocratic and an affront to workers’ representational rights,” says BCGEU President Darryl Walker. “This legislative session is almost over and they’ve tabled this bill at the last minute.”

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Major outstanding issues remain on the table for members of the civil service in Nova Scotia.

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Improvements to collective agreement approved by the membership.

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Bargaining committee recommends acceptance of tentative agreement.

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“Working people and their families have a right to know how their lives may be affected by new labour laws.” - Bob Bymoen, SGEU President.

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Improvements to dispatch welcome, but other issues remain.

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“The inability for on-call paramedics to immediately respond to an emergency situation could have devastating and tragic results." - Carol Furlong.

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