This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Health Sciences Association of Saskatchewan (HSAS) President Karen Wasylenko responds to the introduction of the provincial budget.

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Richard Wilkinson, one of the world’s most preeminent researchers on social inequalities, and author of the bestseller "Spirit Level: Why Equality is Better for Everyone" will kick off the CFLR conference as the keynote speaker.

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"Our members are passionate about the work that they do and are very proud to support the future of that work here at Casey House," said Mackinnon.

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"We cannot give in to the divide and conquer tactics our governments and our employers use. We need to look for the things that join us together." – James Clancy, NUPGE National President.

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“Every employee that is here takes a lot of pride in the work that they do and they feel very proud that they are providing the service they do to the public, families of patients, and also patients that come down here." – Raymond Theriault, NSGEU Local President.

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Austerity measures are compounding the problem, creating a “fiscal drag” effect that is slowing economic growth and undermining budgetary progress.

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Bargaining team recommends acceptance of the tentative agreement, which includes a 9.5 per cent wage increase over five years.

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"What they have done has improved conditions for workers but also for the clients who depend on the services they provide.”

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UN report "warns that short-sighted austerity measures, failures to address persistent inequalities, and a lack of opportunities for meaningful civic participation could threaten this progress unless leaders take bold corrective action."

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“There is no reason that Saskatchewan labour law needs to be so radically different than the Canadian legislative norm in the treatment of supervisory employees,” says Clancy.

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Community social services are about creating and maintaining supportive, healthy, stable and caring communities. The workers who provide these services are the heart and soul of our communities.

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Help send a strong message to the employer at Homes First to get back to the table to negotiate a fair and decent contract.

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“...Section 21 of the Code is discriminatory as being a significant hindrance on their ability to exercise their fundamental right of freedom of association.”

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