This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Lengthy round of bargaining concludes with a collective agreement on par with that of other public sector workers. 

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“I want to thank the BCGEU/NUPGE members on the joint occupational health and safety committee at FPH for the important work they have done to make their workplace safer." — Stephanie Smith, BCGEU President.

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"High staff turnover is bad for workers, bad for the people they support, and ultimately bad for employers because constant recruitment and training are costly.” — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President.

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Health professionals from across the country meet to coordinate efforts to campaign for a progressive health care agenda for Canada.

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“This report shows why NUPGE and its components are fighting for a Five-Point-Plan to protect public services,” said Clancy. “The requirements for openness and transparency in the Plan would make the kind of numbers games that added $8 billion to Ontario’s infrastructure costs impossible.”

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Scheduling issues, reduced vacation and benefits, and other financial concessions are areas of major contention for MGEU/NUPGE members. 

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Despite promises that federal public service job cuts wouldn't affect service levels, the Conservative government received 10,000 complaints about problems with service at the Employment Insurance program.

Ottawa (11 Dec. 2014) — The Conservative government is finally hearing the complaints of hundreds of Canadians who have had enough of poor service, unanswered telephone calls and processing delays relating to their unemployment insurance files The Globe and Mail is reporting.

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Climate change solutions must place the public good over private profits. 

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Despite Canada's close connection to the Declaration, it's difficult for many Canadians to celebrate this year's theme. The fact is, Human Rights 365 doesn't exist for most working people in Canada. 

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OPSEU/NUPGE strike vote results shows clear opposition to concessions tabled by the employer. 

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Canada Blood Services introduces same offer OPSEU/NUPGE members rejected in September. 

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Despite making millions each year in revenue to support the province, the Saskatchewan government wants to privatize liquor sales.

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"Fighting privatization will not be easy. But as we learned during the International Conference on the New Forms of Privatization, it's a fight that we can and will win," says NUPGE National President James Clancy.

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An information session will be held on December 11 for NSGEU/NUPGE non-faculty members to provide an update on negotiations.

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On this December 6, the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) recommits to its work toward ending violence against women and eliminating the conditions that allow violence to thrive. 

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