This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

In Canada, there is no policy in place on intimate partner violence or sexual assault, and we do not have a national action plan to address violence against women. This must change.

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While the closure of a company planning private plasma clinics in Ontario is a victory, more needs to be done to keep them from opening up elsewhere in Canada.

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“While we are disappointed he did not accept our potential remedy, his ruling leaves open the opportunity that constitutional rights will be respected in his final arbitration decision.” — Joan Jessome, NSGEU President.

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"These changes will offer increased convenience for shoppers and make the public stores even more competitive. With almost 200 outlets, larger stores, greater selection and knowledgeable staff, public liquor stores can compete with private stores.” — Stephanie Smith, BCGEU President.

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“Our province already spends less per person on public services than any other province does. Not enough people have good jobs in Ontario. And not enough people have the quality public services they need. In this round of bargaining, we’re fighting for both.” — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President.

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"Now we could soon be facing significant reductions in the number and range of public services which Nova Scotians depend on every day, as well as in the affordability of many essential goods and services which most Nova Scotians need.” — Joan Jessome, NSGEU President. 

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Tell us Why Unions Matter to you, in whatever form you like, and earn a chance to win one of our $1,000 prizes!

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National Union urges all Canadians to join in struggle to end violence and discrimination against transgender people.

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Members of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now Canada (ACORN) in Nova Scotia, Quebec, Ontario and British Columbia held actions to highlight the need for affordable access to the Internet.

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Investor-state provisions in Canada-European Union trade deal give corporations too much power to threaten democratically elected governments.

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“The McNeil government is legislating away the rights of 24,000 health care workers,” says NSGEU President Joan Jessome. 

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The question remains why the Liberal-appointed panel refused to recommend bringing agency stores back into the LCBO as a way to increase revenue.

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Congratulations to MGEU/NUPGE member Barry Chetyrbok on being recognized for his valuable contributions to the Apprenticeship system.

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Employers report difficulties in attracting and retaining staff due to part-time conditions and low pay.

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The B.C. Government and General Employees' Union (BCGEU/NUPGE) report, Choose Children, highlights deficiencies in youth and family services across the province. 

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