This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Violence in the workplace, workload, health and safety issues are just a few major challenges community social service workers face.

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Women make up half the population, represent 47% of the Canadian labour force, and 52% of voters in the last federal election. Yet in the last federal leaders’ debates the word women was barely mentioned. It’s time for a national conversation about building a Canada that works for women.

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"Wages are always important. But it’s now more important to make sure that every one of our contracts has clauses that protect public services, our members, and the public interest.  If privatization is being contemplated, we want to ensure that any proposals provide for complete transparency, public accountability, and meaningful public consultation before any service can be privatized," says NUPGE National President James Clancy.

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The secrecy associated with P3s becomes even more important when information about contract costs becomes public. In one British P3, for example, it cost $948 to install a new lock.

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“We ask that government take an honest approach to restructuring the school board system that respects existing collective agreements and school board employees and does not legislate away labour rights in order to dictate their own terms." — Joan Jessome, NSGEU President.

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“If the well-being of Canadian children was a priority for this government, they would be putting a national child care program ahead of yet another tax cut for the wealthy.” — James Clancy, NUPGE National President.

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New contract ratified by MGEU/NUPGE members at Victoria Hospital.

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"I'm sure Sobeys doesn't mind having low- and middle-income Saskatchewan residents paying more for both public services and liquor to help boost its profit margin. But clearly, what the public has said in awarding the Scammie, is that we do mind. And we're fighting back." — James Clancy, NUPGE National President.

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"Oxfam's report is a timely reminder that any real effort to end poverty has to confront the public policy choices that create and sustain inequality." — Professor Joseph Stiglitz, Columbia University, winner of the Nobel Prize for Economics.

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“Bill C-43 clearly contravenes Canada’s international human rights obligations. Governments have a legal responsibility to make sure all people in Canada have access to basic needs." — Leilani Farha, executive director of Canada Without Poverty.

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OPSEU/NUPGE, and now the Ontario Agencies Supporting Individuals with Special Needs (OASIS), are clear:  The government must provide stable, increased, and long-term funding to see that people get the services they need.

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Liberal government in Nova Scotia has yet to introduce any measures to address PTSD among first responders.

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"These new forms of privatization may go by different names and use different methods, but the impact on public services and on the people who provide them is the same." — Duncan Cameron, Board Member, Public Services Foundation of Canada

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"This day of recognition is an important avenue to show our deepest respect and appreciation for the work that these dedicated child care and early educators do for our children." — James Clancy, NUPGE National President.

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"AHS has an obligation to work with us on this important issue and to sidestep the legal bargaining agent for these frontline workers is extremely disrespectful to those workers. We expect and demand better." — Elisabeth Ballermann, HSAA President.

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