This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

"We stand in solidarity: the liquor workers want the employer to come back to the bargaining table prepared to bargain in earnest, without the concessions and with a reasonable wage offer," said MGEU President Michelle Gawronsky.

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Even the seemingly small step of allowing four new private liquor stores to open — two in Regina and two in Saskatoon — will mean lost revenue of approximately $3.5-$7.5 million each year, according to the new report.

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"I believe that your demand for fairness – equal pay for equal work – has been heard loud and clear.”—  BCGEU President Stephanie Smith. 

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On this International Day of Persons with Disabilities we want to raise awareness of all the challenges people with disabilities face, expose the discrimination and income inequality that exists, and work to make workplaces and communities fairer. 

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“I’m so proud to be here today to help usher in this legislation that our COs have long advocated for,” said Manitoba Government and General Employees’ Union President Michelle Gawronsky

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“It is apparent that these acts of violence are not simply isolated incidents, but are part of a troubling and growing trend in workplaces across the province" — Carol Furlong, President of Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Public and Private Employees (NAPE/NUPGE).

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Backroom dealings will see the CWB (formerly known as the Canadian Wheat Board) either sold off or liquidated without benefit to farmers and setting the stage for possible future foreign takeover.

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For World AIDS Day, December 1, the National Union continues to support the Bracelet of Hope campaign and urges others to do likewise.

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Survey finds disturbing results about domestic violence and its effects in the workplace.

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MGEU/NUPGE members are seek strong strike madate to fight concessions at the bargaining table.

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“We’re calling on the B.C. government to guarantee the Ishtar Transition Housing Society keeps these transition houses open.” —  Stephanie Smith, BCGEU President.

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Join the international campaign to force McDonald's to reinstate Gahyun Lee and respect labour rights. Send your message today

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OPSEU President Warren (Smokey) Thomas says these layoffs are both reckless and short-sighted, and the government needs to reassess their funding priorities, especially in the north.

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MGEU/NUPGE appeal should ensure no other worker is discriminated against when making psychological claims.

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