This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Hamilton postal workers were informed on June 2 by Canada Post managers that no new date for the end of door-to-door delivery would be scheduled at this time.

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NUPGE Statement on the Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission

Thanks to a long line of reports and commissions, culminating this week with a landmark report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, we know the truth about Canada's residential schools for Indigenous children and families. 

Now, finally, it is time for the reconciliation to begin.

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"The result proved conclusively that when it comes to the long-term interests of workers and their families, the decision to move to OPSEU/NUPGE is an obvious one based on proven results." — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President

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"The importance of the Canadian middle class cannot be overstated. It's what drives the economy and our country is at its best when it's strongest." — The New Brunswick Union 

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Nova Scotia government celebrates National Tourism Week with job cuts, closing Visitor Centres and privatizing services. 

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For every home visit and/or clinical visit, the private owner of CarePartners, Linda Knight, profits at the expense of the workers who are not fully paid for time spent in each home visit.

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"This resource will provide women who are leaving violent relationships with quick access to the services they need to leave safely." — Brenda Hildahl, Chair of NUPGE's Advisory Committee on Women's Issues

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Community Social Services workers are rarely in the public eye — although the problems they help solve are often in the news. BCGEU/NUPGE is taking steps to put a face on this important work in our communities. 

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Despite the best efforts by the Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations to force an agreement on many of the province's health professionals, the members of Health Sciences Association of Saskatchewan (SAHO) have soundly rejected the final offer.

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 "Violence against women and children costs Canadian society more than $7 billion a year. You would think those savings would be a huge impetus to make the changes, especially from a government that boasts about its management of the economy." — James Clancy, NUPGE National President

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“Minister’s Oliver’s CPP announcement has to be seen for what it really is, a feeble attempt by the Conservative government to blunt the repeated calls for CPP reform.  Canadians will not be fooled by such a sham.  — Larry Brown, NUPGE National Secretary-Treasurer

Commentary by Larry Brown, National Secretary-Treasurer, National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE).

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Research has shown that when a public service is privatized, the quality of the service is at risk and  the cost to the public increases.

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"Now the privatization target is painted on long-term care: public private partnerships and offloading of public long-term care beds onto the private system. What’s next?” — Jerry Earle, NAPE President-elect

St. John's (27 May 2015) — Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Public and Private Employees (NAPE/NUPGE) President (elect) Jerry Earle is expressing his concern and frustration about statements made last week by Minister of Health and Community Services Steve Kent  regarding further privatization of long-term care.

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“To change these cuts, we need to change this government. The Harper government is driving the postal train wreck and it needs to stop before more people lose their services.” — Mike Palecek, CUPW National President

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The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe released a report detailing Bill C-51's infringement of freedom of expression and privacy rights of citizens.

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