This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

"Our members do great work saving lives in Alberta every day. It’s only natural that we want to help save lives overseas when disaster strikes." — Mike Parker, HSAA Vice President.

Edmonton (04 May 2015) — The Health Sciences Association of Alberta (HSAA/NUPGE) will donate $10,000 to help victims of the earthquake in Nepal, while a member of its board  is already in Nepal as part of a medical relief team providing aid in the country.

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Let us celebrate the triumph that slowly but inevitably flows when people stand together for what they know is right.

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The campaign asks provincial, territorial, Indigenous and local groups to work together to organize events to draw public attention to child care.

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Today, electricity prices in Nova Scotia are higher than in any other province. 

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There simply are not enough resources to meet the demand for services. - Lise Martin, Executive Director

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Workers and reps call for government accountability delivering promised funding.

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 "This is a profitable company that is trying to increase their bottom line on the backs of workers. It's unacceptable, and we need to help them understand this." — James Clancy, NUPGE National President.

Toronto (29 April 2015) — Members of the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) employed by WHL Management Limited have been on strike for over 18 months and they need your help to reach a fair contract. 

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Ontario is a wealthy society — and Kathleen Wynne is imposing austerity on people who work for low wages and who receive social assistance, rather than raising revenue by making the wealthy pay their fair share.

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“We are also encouraging our members to support relief efforts for the people of Nepal struck by this weekend’s massive earthquake." — James Clancy, NUPGE National President.

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April 28 is the Day of Mourning for Workers Injured and Killed on the Job. Union's have struggled for decades to make workplaces safer but much more needs to be done!

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"There were 782 calls for help ...  [when no ambulances were available], 225 of which were considered high priority," says NAPE President Elect Jerry Earle. "These numbers are truly frightening.”

St. John's (28 April 2015) — The Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Public and Private Employees (NAPE/NUPGE) is voicing its concerns about increases in "red alerts" on the Northeast Avalon.

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 “This is a perfect example of the value that skilled EMS professionals bring to  Albertans." — Elisabeth Ballermann, HSAA President

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Even though Volkswagen is the second-largest automaker in the world, it does not have plants in Canada. Now the federal government is rewarding Volkswagen for failing to create jobs here.

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"How many court challenges and Supreme Court of Canada decisions will it take for this government to realize that the right to strike is a constitutional right?" asks NSGEU/NUPGE President Joan Jessome.

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“This government has been stealthy and aggressive in its sell off of our public assets. That represents an immediate and permanent threat to our education, roads, health care, and all the services that make our province great." — Bob Bymoen, SGEU President

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