This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Apart from the economic impact, research shows that privatization of liquor stores has profound social and public health consequences. 

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Privatizing is only going to result in more low-paid work for our rural communities, where good jobs are needed now more than ever." — Joan Jessome, NSGEU President

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“We expect the Ombudsperson’s investigation to uncover the facts and to have the ability to compel testimony." — Stephanie Smith, BCGEU President

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“The failure of the Rikers Island project shows Social Impact Bonds and other pay-for-success schemes are fundamentally flawed,” said James Clancy, NUPGE National President

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The growing number of forest fires and the tragic death of a B.C. worker highlight the risks that fire fighters face. NUPGE calls for an increased federal role to recruit, train, equip and properly compensate the brave individuals who go into the woods to fight these fires.

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“Ultimately, we have major reservations about the speed at which this project is being forced upon the people of this province, with very little in the way of details or assurances." — Jerry Earle, NAPE President

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Members are hopeful that a strong strike mandate will help resolve outstanding issues when negotiations resume on July 8.

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Let’s work together to bring back “fairness for all” and say goodbye to thinking that says “you’re on your own.” — Debbie Bovyer, PEIUPSE President

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"Alcohol is not just another consumer product. It is a controlled substance, and for good reason." — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President

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Despite being without a contract for three years, members still demand employer address outstanding concerns.

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Nearly half of retired Canadians were forced to leave the workforce earlier than they planned, according to a survey from Angus Reid.

The poll shows working in the public sector or being a union member has its benefits when it comes to retirement. Both those groups reported a lower rate of being forced into early retirement, and a lower likelihood of financial problems.

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Affected employees and the unions that represent them, including NAPE, were left in the dark for a full week after the information was reported lost.

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New agreement brings improvements to contract.

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by Kelly Grant and Elizabeth Church, Globe and Mail

"An increasing number of patients discharged from hospital must travel to centrally located clinics to save the home-care system moneyWhen Jennifer Sewell had a benign cyst removed from her left breast last summer, the procedure was supposed to be a straightforward day surgery.

Instead, the 40-year-old mother of two from rural Southwestern Ontario developed an infection at her incision site, a wound that took more than five months to heal.

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“This truly is a sad day for Canadian democracy. It speaks volumes to the disrespect this government has for democracy and the rule of law when Prime Minister Harper personally direct these undemocratic tactics to ensure that Bill C-377 passes the Senate in order to appeal to the Conservatives’ right-wing base.” — James Clancy, NUPGE President

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