This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

BCNU organizers "must also be taken to know that organizing on psychiatric wards while [Registered Practical Nurses] RPNs are on work time is a danger to the vulnerable patients RPNs serve and to RPNs themselves." — B.C. Labour Board decision

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In every case, the group of (partly or wholly) privately owned utilities performed worse than the wholly publicly owned utilities.  There is no evidence of private ownership leading to cost savings. 

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“The provincial government is quick to boast about its tourism ads; I doubt they will be in a rush to do the same about shutting down this tourist attraction." — Jerry Earle, NAPE President-elect

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In 2014, Canadian corporations sent nearly $200 billion offshore, costing us nearly $8 billion in tax revenue.

Ottawa (12 May 2015) — Figures released by Canadians for Tax Fairness (CTF) show that the amount of money Canadian corporations are keeping in tax havens has jumped to record levels. 

Canadian corporations had $199 billion in tax havens in 2014 — the most recent year for which statistics are available. That’s up from $187 billion a year earlier.

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MGEU President Michelle Gawronsky says that in rural areas of Manitoba, paramedics are dangerously overworked.

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"Celebrating Asian Heritage Month is one way for all of us to acknowledge the fundamental contributions Asian Canadians have made to our labour movement, our society and our country," says BCGEU President Stephanie Smith.

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This Mother’s Day the Alliance for Women’s Rights wants to engage moms in a conversation about issues that matter to them.

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"You have to wonder how many more positions they are planning to cut without telling the public, the workers affected, or their union," says NAPE/NUPGE President-elect Jerry Earle. "Do we have to ask about every single job in the public service to get a straight answer?”

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Nova Scotia's unionized home support workers tell the leaders of the province's political parties that should their work be contracted to another company, they won't accept jobs unless their current contract and working conditions continue.

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Ontario's Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) is charged with operating an unsafe workplace for an incident in 2014 that left two nurses severely hurt.

Toronto (7 May 2015) — As Ontario's Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) faces charges for operating an unsafe workplace, OPSEU/NUPGE President Warren (Smokey) Thomas says the world-renowned institution must redouble its efforts to guarantee a safe work environment for patients and staff alike.

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“When it comes right down to it, we’re talking here about sick kids,” says NUPGE National President James Clancy. “How can we not do whatever we can to help them?" 

Ottawa (6 May 2015) — It’s already been well established that our health care system is failing those suffering mental illness, but a new report from Ontario provides a terrible reminder of just how inadequate the system is.

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An IT worker at Dalhousie University points out the many disasterous consequences of the Nova Scotia Liberal government's attempt to strip post-secondary workers of their basic constitutional rights

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“This is one of those terrible policies that just hits the wrong note with people. The more they know about it, the less they like it.” — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President

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A new report by the Public Services Foundation of Canada shows that our provincial jails are chronically overcrowded, with terrible consequences for all of us

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“P3s have been about private investors and companies dipping their hands in the public purse, at the expense of taxpayers." — Jerry Earle, NAPE President-elect 

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