This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

“If [the] government insists on making any changes to this benefit, it would ultimately have to be dealt with through the collective bargaining process.” — Karen Jackson, PEI UPSE President

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NBU/NUPGE members help make New Brunswick work whether it's in hospitals, on highways, in forests and on the waterways, or at Service New Brunswick locations and numerous other government buildings.

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“I urge all staff in both bargaining units to get out and exercise their right to vote." — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President

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Cancer cluster is found at a hospital in B.C.; unions fight at the highest level to show causation.

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“The impact of these austerity measures will be felt far and wide — from the young to our elderly and most vulnerable. The public sector cuts, layoffs and closures are hitting our rural communities the hardest. Is this the stronger tomorrow we were promised?” — Jerry Earle, NAPE President

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“Violence is not a condition of employment that anyone agrees to accept when taking a job,” he said. We will continue to support Local 329, and all workers in dangerous workplaces, in every way we can.” — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President

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MGEU member, Michelle McHale, recently brought concerns of bullying and homophobia in schools to the Hanover School Division board of trustees. Unfortunately, she has received hurtful and threatening online comments in response. 

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"The result of the historic gamble on the market price of a single commodity won't be fixed in one year, given the stubbornness of the downturn, and that's what this budget acknowledges." — Elisabeth Ballermann, HSAA President

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"We have concerns that eliminating jobs in the public sector will have an impact on the vital public services that the people of this province depend on every day. You simply can’t do more, with less." Jerry Earle, NAPE President

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Blair Redlin, co-chair of the Trade Justice Network (TJN) told members of the House of Commons Committee on International Trade there is no rush to ratify the TPP, and every reason for a proper economic, social and environmental evaluation of the deal.

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"Public registries provide approximately $150 million in revenue every year. We are pleased that government has done the math and realized that privatization is not the best way forward.” — Jason MacLean, NSGEU acting President

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“Based on the Liberals’ track record, when faced with opposition, they respond just enough to blunt that opposition but then continue on the same track once things quiet down." — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President

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"We need more funding from the provincial government to these facilities to increase their staffing levels, and we need more monitoring in place to ensure that employers are maintaining the minimum staffing set out in the guidelines." — Sherry Ogasawara, VP in Health Services, BCGEU

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According to a survey conducted by Angus Reid, 43 per cent of Canadian women say they have been sexually harassed at work. “Two thirds of our 130,000 members are women." — Warren (Smokey)Thomas. 

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Join the campaign to raise the minimum wage for the lowest-paid workers in our country. 

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