This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

“Thanks to the dedication of our bargaining team, we now have a solid first collective agreement that will carry us through into 2017." — Wanda Nancekivell, OPSEU Unit Steward Local 159

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“The government knows there is a problem, but seems unwilling to address the real issues." — Jason MacLean, NSGEU acting President

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Make your donation today to the Red Cross to help the people in Fort McMurray rebuild.

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"We support the call for postal banking in communities so people can receive the assistance they need in ways that will help them get out of financial difficulty, not put them further under." — James Clancy, NUPGE National President

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Smith was quick to acknowledge the efforts of the Board of UWLM: "I'm looking forward to seeing a positive resolution." 

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“I am deeply concerned for the public employees who have put themselves at risk to assist in the fight. The National Union is immensely proud of the work that wildlands firefighters, first responders and emergency personnel — many of whom are our members — are doing to protect the citizens of Fort McMurray. We also cannot forget the many health professionals who will be on hand to assist those injured or harmed during the crisis.” — James Clancy, NUPGE National President

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Union activists gather to develop skills and learn from experts.

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When people face financial instability, inadequate housing, poor working conditions, low wages, food insecurity, lack of education (the social determinants of health), it is difficult to maintain positive mental health. By organizing and advocating for good jobs, quality public services, fair labour rights and tax fairness, the National Union has created pressure on governments to improve the health of all Canadians.

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"On World Press Freedom Day, we celebrate those workers who bring us the news, no matter the price. May we fight with them to defend their independence, protect the fundamental principles of press freedom and honour those who have lost lives in pursuit of the truth." — James Clancy, NUPGE National President

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Early statistics for 2016 suggest levels of violence are increasing and the number of assaults will be even higher this year.

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High-priced lawyers hired to privatize public service played lead role in two of the province’s longest strikes at Voisey’s Bay and St. John’s Airport.

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Ontario Superior Court rules that Conservative government's legislating postal workers back to work in 2011 violated their rights to freedom of association and expression.

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PEI government closer to sell-off of public golf courses with lease to private company.

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“In fact, 76% of shelters have relied on food donations in the last six months to meet their needs." - Lise Martin, Executive Director of CNWSTH

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“If policy-makers are serious about meaningfully addressing the unacceptably high toll of workplace injuries, the first step is to take greater responsibility for ensuring the public understands the reality of how, where, and why workers are being injured and killed at work.” — Jason Foster and Bob Barnetson, co-authors Buried and Forgotten

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