This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

“In many ways, it’s an interesting contract to bargain because there are so few comparators to what these members do.” — Michelle Gawronsky, MGEU President

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The PEI government will examine the "future costs" of the public sector service gratuity — retirement allowance — in its upcoming budget. Workers concerned this could lead to a reduction in benefits to save the province money.

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"We will do all that we can to counter this court challenge that would create barriers to accessing our health care system.” — Dr. Monika Dutt, Chair of the Canadian Doctors for Medicare

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“We’ve been flooded with stories from students and parents who’ve been deeply touched by these schools.They speak of miracles — miracles that come from an education these kids simply can’t get in the regular stream." — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President

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"The B.C. Nurses' Union leadership has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to wrestle members out of other unions. iI's hurting the relationship between health care professionals and it's wasting the dues provided by hard-working nurses." —  Val Avery, President of HSABC

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We will wait for the report from BC Corrections to see what they have done to ensure that FRCC has addressed these violations." — Dean Purdy, BCGEU Vice-President Corrections and Sheriff Services

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Reports by Auditors General in 4 provinces have suggested that the savings P3 privatization schemes provide by transferring risk to the private sector are overstated.

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"To suggest that there would not be ambulance services available to respond to an emergency when needed, whether in the midst of a strike or not, is a dangerous misrepresentation." — Michael Parker, HSAA Vice-President

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Canadian Health Professionals Secretariat supports BloodWatch in its call for federal and all provincial and territorial governments to prohibit paid blood and plasma donations.

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“At a time when government is investing in safety measures at the legislature, why are they content with our courthouses being unsafe?" — Jason MacLean, NSGEU acting President

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"The Ministers knew lives were in danger, and they did nothing. What are they going to do now? That’s my question."  — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President

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Privatization has meant higher costs and tuition fees in Newfoundland and Labador, at the same time the number of students dropped.  The only winners are the private colleges that got contracts.

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“Inmates are being incarcerated in violent prison settings, then are being released into communities where programs and support services are in short supply. The public safety implications should be taken into account." — Stephanie Smith, BCGEU President

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HSABC/NUPGE members to vote on agreement in the coming days. 

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“OCDC has become the brand name for Ontario’s crisis in corrections and I fear we will see more of the cover ups, lies and toxic labour relations that plague the jail system." — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President

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