This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

"Climate finance is not a gift. And it’s not charity either. It’s a commitment taken based on the capacity and responsibility of the developed world, so that developing countries can start adapting and preparing their economies to the massive changes ahead." — Elisabeth Ballermann, NUPGE Secretary-Treasurer, at COP23, speaking on behalf of ITUC.

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Condolences go out to Stiles' family, friends and colleagues.

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“Negotiation is the only way to go at this juncture. I agree completely with recent statements by the Premier and by Advanced Education Minister Deb Matthews that the solution to this strike is at the bargaining table.” — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President

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The Portage Plains United Way says they have raised close to 30 per cent of their 2017 campaign goal of $232,000.

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“The amount Canada loses to tax havens will drop when the federal government genuinely believes that helping a hungry child is more important than helping the wealthy avoid taxes.” — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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“Thanks to P3 privatization schemes, money that should be funding quality public services is ending up in tax havens.” — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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Supporters of public services will rally outside a major privatization conference on November 6 to highlight a new poll showing that more than two-thirds of Ontarians want to keep their public services public.

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NSGEU/NUPGE working with employer to address air quality conditions.

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The 2017–2018 theme for the Purple Ribbon campaign looks at the power of bystanders. Don't stand by. Stand with.

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The Care Comes First tour continued through the Interlake region and Western Manitoba as President Gawronsky asked members in health centres and personal care homes to join her on their breaks and talk about health care.

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“Our goal will be to make sure politicians cannot claim ignorance when confronted with the appalling damage cutting community service funding has done.” — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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"Our members in public services — health, social and children’s services, and justice to name a few — are working with families, with victims and with perpetrators. Therefore domestic violence affects all of us, and it is all of our responsibility to participate in its eradication." — Elisabeth Ballermann, NUPGE Secretary-Treasurer

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We applaud government for coming forward with these changes. We believe this is a reasonable approach, one that will help both employers and workers alike." — Susie Proulx-Daigle, NBU President

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According to NAPE President Jerry Earle, the agreement includes increases in wages as well as several improvements in contract language.

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"Currently 16,000 members of my own union who are instructors, librarians and other professional staff in community colleges in the province of Ontario have been on strike for the past 3 weeks on this very issue. Over 60 per cent of the faculty are on short-term contracts, usually 4 months long. They are seeking creation of more permanent positions and equality of wages for contract staff." — Cliff Andstein, NUPGE delegate to PSI World Congress

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