This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

“I am absolutely delighted that the Liberal caucus listened to what our OPSEU/NUPGE leadership team in the ministry had to say. Any time we protect the integrity of the OHSA is a win for workers.” — Len Elliott, Regional Vice-President of OPSEU for southwestern Ontario and MOL inspector

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“Each new release of statistics confirms our worst fears about the failure of the global economic system. The rich are getting richer, and income inequality is steadily growing. And what’s also morally unconscionable is that our elected representatives are doing nothing to stop it.” — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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“When companies using tax havens get government contracts or are allowed buy up privatized infrastructure, governments are effectively condoning tax havens” — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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We look forward to engaging with the independent review panel to make suggestions on how to improve the province's response to these events going forward." — Stephanie Smith, BCGEU President

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“The legislation is a significant step towards improving workplaces. Health Sciences Association of Alberta (HSAA/NUPGE) and the labour movement have been fighting for changes like these for many years. This is a day to celebrate.”  Trudy Thomson, HSAA Vice-President 

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"Unions take on many fights that go beyond equality in the workplace. LGLBTQ2S rights, racialized workers' rights, women's rights, these are all movements we are a part of in order to eliminate discrimination and abuse." — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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"The government said public health was their number one priority, and on behalf of our 30,000 members, I applaud them for keeping that commitment." — Jason MacLean, NSGEU President

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 “What’s the point of having your diagnosis covered, if you can’t afford the medication you need? The lack of access to medically necessary medicines is not only a major gap in our system, it is contrary to the very principle of medicare for all.” — Sara Labelle, OPSEU, Hospital Professionals Division

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"Our members' patience and commitment to the union's fight for a better deal were key to getting this deal." — Jason MacLean, NSGEU President

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“Unions have a significant role to play in ensuring women's safety at home and in the workplace and in advocating for support for women facing violence every day. On December 6, we take time to remember and to re-commit to the work that needs to be done to end violence against women." — Elisabeth Ballermann, NUPGE Secretary-Treasurer

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“This has been a long, arduous, and difficult round of bargaining" — Jerry Earle, NAPE President

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Over the last 12 months, the BCGEU/NUPGE has consulted with members across the province to hear about how the crisis is affecting them, in particular, the mental health impacts for frontline workers who act as first responders.  

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"Thank you so much!!! to the thousands of individual concerned citizens who called or emailed your own MPP, or the Minister's office, or the Premier. We know that your efforts made a huge difference." — Ontario Health Coalition

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“This just shows what faculty have been saying all along: college administrators are making decisions about academic programs that they are not qualified to make.” — JP Hornick, OPSEU/NUPGE

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“What the CCPA report shows is that the retirement security of millions of Canadians is taking a back seat to windfall profits for well-heeled shareholders.” — Elisabeth Ballermann, NUPGE Secretary-Treasurer

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