This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

"These staff, who provide care to our community’s most vulnerable individuals — some of whom are in mental health crises — are now facing their own mental health crises, and they’ve chosen to break the silence.” — Carol Warner, OPSEU staff representative

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"The government needs to move quickly to support Child Protection workers. We have a good response on paper, but vulnerable kids need to see immediate action. Those on the front lines are doing incredible work, but they are telling us that they need help and change is not happening fast enough." — Jason MacLean, NSGEU President

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“We must all work together to create healthier workplaces and ensuring mental health issues are part of our focus is critical. We are pleased that today’s World Mental Health Day is shining a light on workplace mental health. ” — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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"They have been hired by governments across Canada, and their reports have been used to sell a number of privatization schemes. Manitobans need to know this is the firm that the PC government worked with in the ‘90s when they tried to privatize home care in Manitoba, and they helped privatize Hydro One in Ontario." — Michelle Gawronsky, MGEU President

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PEIUPSE/NUPGE retired members are encouraged to attend.

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“Governments have recognized that decent work is essential to reducing inequality, but most have been slow to take the action needed to promote it. The growth of decent work requires action by the labour movement.” — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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“When these folks came to us, they were specifically looking for improved health and safety supports and a stronger voice in general with their employer." — Michelle Gawronsky MGEU President

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“What’s clear from the CCPA report is that it’s people with high incomes who benefit the most from the private corporation loophole.” — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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"Seeing today's amendment shows the impact our members can have when we unite together and make sure our voices are heard." — Jason MacLean, NSGEU President

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The new team has trained up more than 30 new member engagers, and over the next few months they'll be reaching out to colleagues on the phone, in the worksite and at events. 

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"To protect and promote the health and well-being of Canadian communities, a publicly owned system is the optimal solution according to public health literature." — NSGEU report on cannabis distribution in Canada

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“As more and more hospitals in the province face the prospect of mergers, it makes sense that hospital professionals just look to  OPSEU/NUPGE which can point to decades of experience representing healthcare providers." — Lucy Morton, OPSEU Regional Vice-President Region 2

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The BCGEU/NUPGE was invited to attend a roundtable discussion as part of the federal government's commitment to addressing gender-based violence.

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“It is hypocritical of the colleges, who promise students a good job and a bright future, to turn around and force thousands of contract staff into jobs with low pay, no benefits, and no job security of any kind.” — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President

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The Merchants Hotel, also known as “the Merch,” is now being redeveloped into an innovative educational, housing, and retail complex called Merchants Corner. 

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