This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

“The committee felt strongly about supporting those that have served in the past. They have served us and they deserve our support now.” — Evan Stratichuk, Young Workers Committee Chair and HSAA/NUPGE board member

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"Our members do a tremendous job and we wanted to recognize their contribution to one of our country's most iconic companies."  — Susie Proulx-Daigle, NBU/NUPGE President. 

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"We are hopeful that the employer will take the steps necessary to reach a deal that is acceptable to our members so they can continue to provide top quality services to the people of Paradise.” — Jerry Earle, NAPE/NUPGE President

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“The funding that has been allocated so far has not gone to acute care adult mental health programs. We’ve got higher acuity on wards than ever, and that is creating violent situations. In our workplaces, there is a violent act each and every day." Ed Arvelin, Chair of OPSEU's Mental Health Division

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Join OPSEU's Rainbow Alliance arc-en-ciel in recognizing October 19 as Spirit Day!

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MGEU/NUPGE members have new agreement with improvements from the interest arbitration decision awarded in July.

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These stories from frontline professionals can help convince the new government that the price of continued inaction is simply too high.

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New national report outlines the huge cost of the failed Health Accord.

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“When it is acceptable for 2 families to have as much wealth as the poorest 11 million Canadians, poverty will be at an unacceptable level.” — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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“The large gap between the business tax rates and those for individuals is already the main driver of the tax avoidance the government is trying to address.” —  Dennis Howlett, Executive Director of Canadians for Tax Fairness

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“Unfortunately, Council refused to agree on even the no-cost items, such as longer contracts for contract faculty and academic freedom” —  JP Hornick, Chair, union bargaining team

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“When an organization with the IMF’s track record is calling for measures to reduce income inequality, you know income inequality has reached a level where it is harming the economy” — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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“When stores catering to middle class Canadians are disappearing rapidly, it’s a sign the middle class is being squeezed” — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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“After what Canadians went through with the tainted blood scandal, it is appalling that the federal government is again allowing paid blood donations” — Larry Brown, President of NUPGE

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 "Tuesday was another frustrating day of bargaining, during which our employer once again refused to consider key faculty issues. They have walked away from the table" —  JP Hornick, union bargaining team chair

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