This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Korean government employees union under attack

National Union is urging members and all concerned activists to protest the actions of the Korean government.


Seoul, Korea (11 October 2006) - Despite protests from the international community the Korean government has continued with attacks on the Korean Government Employees Union (KGEU). The National Union is urging members and all concerned activists to protest the actions of the Korean government (click here).

The government repression against the KGEU continued and even escalated during the ILO Asia Regional Meeting held in Busan, Korea. To date 125 out of 251 local offices of KGEU chapters have been forcefully closed down. Offices closed are usually sealed off with iron plates or bars welded across the doors.

More than 100 members from the KGEU and solidarity organizations have been arrested with several being severely beaten and requiring hospitalization.

On October 9, 2006, a KGEU member, who participated in a relay of one person demonstration in protest in front of the municipality building in Buyeo, Chungnam-do (province), was arrested. While the prosecutors office applied to the court for a warrant of detention the application was rejected and he was released.

Meanwhile, 12 KGEU leaders have been summoned by the police allegedly for involvement in illegal activities in association with illegal organizations.

Those summoned include KGEU President KWON Seung Bok, General Secretary KIM Jeong Soo, vice presidents and other leaders. Some are facing arrest for reciting a resolution in front of a mass rally. Others are being summoned for suspicion of issuing press releases and union statements.

More information:
Korean Government Employees Union
Public Services International