This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

The five unions representing Air Canada workers are calling on the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) to require the airline  to fund its pension plan, before being permitted to wind-up its holding company

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Canadian mutual funds still most commonly held retirement investment, despite highest fees in the world which negatively impact on long-term savings potential.

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National Union components, the Health Sciences Association of BC and the British Columbia Government and Service Employees' Union, are among the more than 200 organizations to sign onto an open letter calling for a commitment to a comprehensive poverty reduction plan.

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60 vs 65 - Applying early for CPP can mean more money in the bank - the decision is a choice between receiving your normal benefit starting at age 65 or starting earlier and receiving a smaller monthly amount 

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Public Service Labour Relations Act (PSLRA), excludes student, casual, and short-term workers from access to collective bargaining

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Proxy vote records highlight greatly increased deference on key environmental, social and governance issues

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'The sooner the Employee Free Choice Act is enacted, the better - for U.S. workers and for the U.S. economy.'

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(Jan 27, 2009) -- 'Everyone except the prime minister seems to understand that big problems require bold solutions. Canada needs a large-scale fiscal stimulus.'

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Newfoundland and Labrador is not living up to commitments made, says NAPE president Carol Furlong

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Workers are conflicted about their retirement prospects Nearly half of Canadians expect to work past age 65 for ‘lifestyle reasons’, while about the same number site financial reasons

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With the Harper Conservatives moving in the opposite direction, the contrast between Canada and the new administration in Washington is startling.

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Canadian pension plans suffered the steepest annual decline on record as global equity markets continued to plunge in the fourth quarter of 2008

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The inauguration of Barack Obama as the first black president of the United States represents a major step forward and hope for the future.

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BCGEU will explore all options to try to regain benefits for members.

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CCPA says Conservative government must address EI, poverty, infrastructure, environment and spending rather than tax cuts.

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