This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Now is the time to fix long-standing problems within the system - Warren (Smokey) Thomas.

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March 21 is the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

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Darryl Walker says it might work in some offices and ministries if it was voluntary and benefits were protected.

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The Ontario Public Service Employees Union responds to the report of the Ontario Expert Commission on Pensions.

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Vote March 3-4 by more than 150 employees of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine.

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Canadian Blood Services plan to let unregulated employees perform health screening and assessments of blood donors is 'misguided' and should be abandoned.

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Campbell government deregulated recovery homes in British Columbia after winning power seven years ago.

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Approximately 750 employees at laboratories across central and northern Alberta voted last summer to join the province's most progressive health care union.

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'We made a commitment before the last election that we would not be privatizing the liquor stores.' - Dan D'Autremont.

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Investigation indicates widespread abuses by private operators who are benefiting from millions in public funding.

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OPSEU local honours the first black trade unionist to lead a major Canadian union. Upshaw was president of the Ontario Public Service Employees Union from 1990 to 1995.

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NSGEU women's conference April 24-26 at Debert Hospitality Centre. Helping women play a more assertive and active role in their union, workplaces and lives.

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'The bargaining team asked the members for support and that’s exactly what we got.' - team chair David Kerr.

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Focus of meeting on building strong network of equality and human rights activists across the country

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Eight health care groups are participating, including the Health Sciences Association of B.C.

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