This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

'There will be a less safe environment in Canadian penitentiaries.' - Howard Sapers.

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Northwest Territories arbitrator rejects defence that landlord would have suffered the wrath of God.

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Investigation shows that professional fundraisers grab huge share of money Canadians contribute to charitable causes.

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Public invited to join march from Leamington to Windsor to help 'Break the chains of indentureship' for migrant farm workers in Canada.

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NBUPPE says New Brunswick politicians will damage essential services if they try to finance election promises by cutting public sector jobs.

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Canadians encouraged to e-mail, fax and phone MPs in advance of critical Commons vote on Bill C-391.

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Bed counts will drop to nearly half over the next four years despite a doubling of patients with dementia in the coming years, union says.

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'Right now lives are being put at risk. It’s that simple.' - Chris Broughton, MGEU Local 911.

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Brief calls for higher CPP and GIS benefits and a national pension insurance program.

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'A bit of progress was made on some issues, but not anywhere near the kind of movement we need to see.'

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'We’re looking forward to working with employers to reach a fair settlement that improves the working lives and conditions of our members.'

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CAJAR lawyers, journalists, administrative staff and paralegals targeted with death threats and intimidation.

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SEIU case sets precedent for long queue of similar cases pending across Ontario.

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59% of Canadians would be in trouble if their pay was delayed by a week.

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Released after 12 months of hearings, workshops and submissions from Alberta groups and citizens.

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