This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Support the striking workers by joining them on the picket line on Thursday, July 12 in front of the Nova Scotia Legal Aid offices at 99 Wyse Road from 7:30 a.m. until 2 p.m.! You can also share messages of solidarity on the NSGEU Facebook page. UPDATED

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Over a thousand mourn the "Death of Evidence" in a protest against the Harper government's use of political ideology over scientific evidence.

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Renewed agreement brings improvements to working conditions and wages.

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Employer interested in resolving issues raised by workers in the 2011/12 Employee Engagement Survey; BCGEU/NUPGE looking for dates for discussions.

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"In an ill-considered bid to make their financial statements look better, Capital Health managers are blundering forward with a plan to contract out one of the provincial health care system’s most important communications departments: CDHA A/V Print Services."

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“Management at CLQW is almost one to one! That is simply not the best way to maximize resources,” said Local President Cathy Suijker.

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The B.C. government's Economic Benefits of British Columbia’s Provincial Parks study reveals a huge economic return from government investment in B.C.’s parks system.

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Health Care Heroes: They don't have super-powers, but they share the power of caring.

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Canadian Human Rights Tribunal rules that federal government was discriminating on the basis of gender.

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“I am more motivated than ever to open a new AIDS clinic in Lesotho that will be run by local experts supported by Bracelet of Hope. - Dr. Zajdlik 

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Strong strike mandate sends the message: double standards don't work. Negotiate a fair deal now.

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Aim of job action to pressure government for a decent contract settlement.

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Nova Scotia Citizens’ Health Network see proposed changes to the Health Services and Insurance Act as significant step forward.

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The coalition wants the Minister of Children and Youth Services to meet with Thistletown parents as a group, make public a detailed plan for transition and commit to long-term funding to replicate Thistletown’s services. 

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“The numbers are staggering,” said OPSEU President Warren (Smokey) Thomas. “From 2003 to 2007 alone, the LCBO permitted close to $1 billion in retail alcohol sales to be sold through private agency stores."

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