This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

"Turpel-Lafond confirms unequivocally what our members have been saying. This is the wrong computer system for the work being done. It needs to replaced.” -Darryl Walker, BCGEU President.

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During Premier's meeting, Nova Scotia Citizen's Health Care Network holds press conference to outline their vision to improve Canada's public health care system.

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“The resolution and the numerous discussions on the issue that took place during the Assembly of Chiefs is a clear indication that the safety and security of Indigenous women and girls is of paramount importance to the First Nations’ leadership,” said Jeannette Corbiere Lavell, NWAC President.

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“This hidden offshore sector is large enough to make a significant difference to all of our conventional measures of inequality," says James Henry, former McKinsey & Co. chief economist and author of The Price of Offshore Revisited.

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“Many of the changes suggested for consideration by the consultation paper are either directly antagonistic towards unions and workers’ rights and freedoms, or reflect a lack of knowledge about the democratic character of unions as organizations." Paul Champ, human rights lawyer and CFLR board member. Download CFLR report here.

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Members in General Services have voted 85 per cent in favour of strike action. Members in Community Living Services voted 90 per cent in favour.

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Ontario college faculty members seek conciliation as bargaining reaches impasse.

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Eleven days after four women NSGEU/NUPGE members took to the picket line in support of workplace fairness, an agreement has been reached.

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Thousands of people living with HIV, HIV/AIDS organizations, unions, student groups, faith communities and other activists mobilize to fight AIDS and for economic justice!

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"As a labour organization, it's important for the BCGEU/NUPGE to raise public awareness and encourage men of all ages to speak out against violence against women." - Stephanie Smith, BCGEU Treasurer and Women's Committee Chairperson.

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OPSEU members give bargaining committee overwhelming stirke mandate.

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The Canadian Association of Labour Lawyers (CALL) has requested that the Labour Minister meet with major stakeholders to "develop a consultation process much more in keeping with the law, past practice, simple fairness, integrity, good faith and respect."

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Employment inequality likely to increase due to reduced monitoring resources of government department.

Ottawa (20 July 2012) - According to the six public sector unions operating under the umbrella of the Professionals Serving Canadians, the federal government's Workplace Equity Program will be facing increased difficulty due to diminished resources. 

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"The people of the province expect and deserve a health care system they can they have confidence in and depend on when needed." - Carol Furlong, NAPE President.

St. John's (19 July 2012) - The Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Public and Private Employees (NAPE/NUPGE) launched a new awareness campaign calling attention to the 550 equivalent health care positions that are being cut by the Eastern Health Authority.

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