This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

NSGEU has served 48-hour notice to strike and is readying to commence strike action on Monday, Aug. 13 at 7am should there be no progress in negotiations over the weekend. 

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Federal government appointed arbitrator was management lawyer for Canada Post and a three time candidate for the Conservatives – "a reasonable and sensible person might worry that the arbitrator is biased because of these two reasons." 

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Ruling based on the 2011 Supreme Court of Canada Fraser decision which provided a narrow and unworkable interpretation of the right to collective bargaining. 

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The union chose to conduct strike action at these work sites to back demands for a fair and reasonable agreement with the B.C. Government and to support BCGEU/NUPGE members’ wage proposal.

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The study warns that these cuts will damage progress made towards gender equality. 

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“By now it must be evident to Madelaine Meilleur that you can’t cram 450 inmates into a facility designed for 150 and not expect serious and dangerous problems to eventually erupt.” - OPSEU/NUPGE president Warren (Smokey) Thomas 

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This will be the second job action this summer in support of proposals for a new contract with the B.C. Government. 

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Unions have made life better for all workers and their families. So, if government waters down laws that protect workers, and muzzles unions - who will be left to speak out for workplace rights? 

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August 1, 2012 marks year of terrible agricultural policy with the destruction of the Canadian Wheat Board single desk.

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France the first country in the European Union to introduce a Robin Hood Tax on financial transactions. 

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Since the inmate unrest started five days ago, the detention centre has called in tactical units known as Institutional Crisis Intervention teams to bring order and control to the situation. 

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Heart surgery cancellations a clear message that shortages in health science professions can no longer be ignored by BC government.

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Finance minister has proposed major changes to Ontario's public sector pension plans.

Ottawa (31 July 2012) – Several dozen public sector workers, social activists and local labour leaders demonstrated outside of Premier Dalton McGuinty’s Ottawa constituency office last week in opposition to proposed changes that could take away control workers have over their own retirement funds.

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"The current government is in the habit of either cutting jobs or relocating them. In both cases, workers and their families are marginalized, and local economies are damaged."

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Over 25,000 people have signed the petition asking for the LBD to remain public. Opposition to the privatization is broad-based and includes the media, brewers, distillers, bar and restaurant owners, local government and the general public.

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