This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Workers at the Society for Manitobans with Disabilities reach new agreement with wage and benefit gains.

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LifeLabs is looking for major concessions at the bargaining table. A strong strike mandate is needed to show solidarity and determination to reach a fair deal.

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“It is one thing to have the new strategies released in May of this year; it is another for them to be fully implemented and making a difference in people’s lives.” - Joan Jessome, Coalition Co-Chairperson.

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"Alcohol is not just another consumer product. It is a drug and we need to examine the potential impact of changes to how we sell it." - Bob Bymoen, President SGEU

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New video by Operation Maple provides people with an introduction to the little talked about free trade agreement that Canadians need to know more about!

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“B.C. Liberal government has put vulnerable families last on its priority list." BCGEU President Darryl Walker.

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“Going forward, the SCA needs to clarify its vision for its employees and adopt a third-party mediation/arbitration process to ensure that the next round of bargaining is more effective.” - SGEU President Bob Bymoen.

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Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU/NUPGE) taking striking Participation Lodge members message to the public in new radio ads now on seven different stations.

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Members demonstrate demand for an equitable settlement by voting 89% in favour of strike action.

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"ISC meets the needs of Saskatchewan people. Selling this Crown is just not in the best interests of the province." - SGEU President Bob Bymoen

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The rally is about changes to the Employment Insurance system - changes that are hurting Islanders.

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NAPE’s concerns regarding the Protective Community Residence in Lewisporte is a prime example of the negative impact that cuts are having on our province’s healthcare system.

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The All Together Now! campaign has launched a new video, three new publications and the latest newsletter to help fight for tax fairness and quality public services.

Ottawa (25 Oct 2012) -The National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) launched the All Together Now! campaign in 2010.

The goal is to change the national dialogue to recognize and address the problem of income inequality in Canada.

The campaign has developed and promoted an analysis of the causes and consequences of income inequality and four broad solutions:

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"Our goal all along was to allow our members control of the pensions that they themselves have paid for year after year,” Warren (Smokey) Thomas

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According to projections in the new CCPA-NS report, CETA and NS: Who pays for 'free' trade?, the CETA could result in between 510 and 2587 net job losses in Nova Scotia.

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