This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

“Like many Canadians who witness frequent abuses of migrant workers, we are seriously concerned that the limited rules governing the TFWP are not being respected.” - Ken Georgetti, CLC President.

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Harper government cuts funding from the Canadian Conference of the Arts and refuses to provide time for it to become self-sufficient.

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“After seven months at the bargaining table the employer was unable to respond to our framework agreement, and had nothing to table in response. Our members have been patient, but that patience has run out." - Reid Johnson, HSABC President.

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Strike avoided as OPSEU/NUPGE members accept tentative agreement.

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"When the government cuts a dollar in health-care spending to balance its books, it is the patients who bleed." - HSAA/NUPGE submission to government's Dollars and Sense consultations.

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NSGEU/NUPGE are helping families across Nova Scotia prepare for the winter months.

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Nearly 25 per cent of all of Canada’s overseas investment dollars end up in tax havens.

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On November 6 communities across Canada will be taking time to appreciate the valuable work that Community Social Service Workers perform across the country.

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Events around Hurricane Sandy highlight the importance of government and the public sector. Both in trying prevent these extreme occurrences and in responding to them when they happen.

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Authors conclude that the privatization of liquor stores in Alberta and the partial privatization in B.C. have resulted in higher prices, lower revenues for government and increased social harms in comparison to Saskatchewan’s public system. 

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The Harper government is trying to pass a secretive, unfair and sweeping trade deal with China without any public debate. Join with us and thousands of Canadians in calling on the Harper government to stop this dangerous deal.

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"We are satisfied we have put together a fair and reasonable collective agreement package that government must accept,” said HSABC President Reid Johnson.

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While previously a holdout on a Financial Transactions Tax the new coalition government of the Netherlands will join the EU initiative.

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Stop ignoring critical resource needs in underfunded sector, workers tell government.

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“Bill C-377 has nothing to do with taxation or tax policy, and everything to do with imposing costly burdens on unions and disclosing sensitive information to employers for strategic advantage.”

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