This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

"No job is more important, and few are as difficult or as dangerous," said Public Safety Minister Vic Toews.

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“Credit for this agreement also goes to our members who backed the bargaining committee with a strike vote and strike action. We could not have achieved this collective agreement without them,” said Walker. UPDATED

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It’s time for a fair and reasonable contract - including a wage increase - for the lowest paid in the broad public sector,” says Darryl Walker, BCGEU President.

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The National Union is encouraging its members and all Canadians to show their support and focus attention on the crisis of murdered and missing Aboriginal women and their families.

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Thank you for honouring some of the issues we all care so much about with your time and with your words." - James Clancy, NUPGE National President.

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Workers speak out about overcrowding, understaffing, out-dated equipment and increasing violent incidents while Corrections Minister fails to act.

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Our Future is Young and Diverse conference hosted by the SGEU/NUPGE Human Rights Equity Committee was held from September 24-26.

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Three members of the Manitoba Association of Health Care Professionals (MAHCP), along with President Wendy Despins and Executive Director Lee Manning, recently met with Health Minister Theresa Oswald to share information on their respective occupations and the challenges they are facing.

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The meeting is timed every year to coincide with the Canadian Police And Peace Officer's Memorial held on Parliament Hill.

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Members to vote on final offer by Manitoba Public Insurance.

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“This is a very significant and important decision. It means that employers cannot just pick and choose what part of the agreement they like." - Jeanne Meyer, HSABC/NUPGE.

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Conciliation talks to begin to resolve bargaining impasse.

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“It is time for this employer to get back to the table,” said OPSEU President Warren (Smokey) Thomas. “Their failure to negotiate a reasonable contract with staff is an embarrassment to the community.”

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As a result of the telephone town hall meetings many members were shocked at the possibility of losing control of their retirement savings, while others questioned the legality of the McGuinty plan.

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Wage increases plus improved benefits negotiated for MGEU/NUPGE members at Impark.

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